Oklahoma Bankruptcy Attorney

Oklahoma City Bankruptcy Associates

Oklahoma’s Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filing Source Serving Oklahoma since 2003

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Welcome to Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law

When selecting an attorney to assist with your bankruptcy proceedings, it is important to consider the experience, dedication, and personal commitment of your lawyer. Marty Martin is a licensed Cleveland, Ohio bankruptcy attorney who has been assisting clients for 20 years. He understands the gravity of your case and the implications that it holds for your financial future and well-being.



Are your wages about to be garnished? A garnishment is a court order directing that money or property of a third party (usually wages paid by an employer) be seized to satisfy a debt owed by a debtor to a plaintiff creditor.


Did you recently get served a lawsuit? Getting served just means that you have been given notice of a lawsuit, in this case by a debt collector. You are served if you are handed a copy of the summons and complaint or if a summons and complaint are given to someone “of suitable age and discretion” at your home.


If you can’t buy a house or a car or even rent an apartment because of poor credit, you are not alone.


If you are in foreclosure, it can be a scary process. Foreclosure is the action of taking possession of a mortgaged property when the mortgagor fails to keep up their mortgage payments.


Repossession is a process where an auto lender can take back possession of your vehicle, sometimes without warning you in advance or having permission from the court. Repossession typically occurs after you fall behind on your auto loan payments.


Although you shouldn’t file bankruptcy and divorce at the same time, you can still choose which process to take care of first. If you and your spouse choose to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, your joint income might put you over the income threshold for filing.


You don’t have to be employed to file for bankruptcy. For instance, you might not qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if you’ve recently lost a high-earning position. By contrast, unemployed people won’t be eligible for Chapter 13 if the lack of employment income will prevent them from paying into a repayment plan.

Contact Oklahoma City’s
Top Rated Bankruptcy Attorney

We are located in the Nichols Hills Plaza which is at the Northwest Corner of N.W. 63rd and Western in the Nichols Hills area of Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Law

In 2005, there was a change to Oklahoma bankruptcy law. Many people believe that this law prevents them from filing for bankruptcy. However, the reality is that the law only restricts individuals or families with a relatively high annual income from filing for Chapter 7. Chapter 7 bankruptcy remains accessible to the average individual or family.

Furthermore, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is still an option for those who do not qualify for Chapter 7. We strongly recommend consulting with our experienced bankruptcy attorney. Marty Martin has practiced bankruptcy law for many years and understands all the nuances and can accurately interpret the changes in the laws as they occur.

Bankruptcy laws are constantly evolving. By working with our team, you are kept up to date with the most recent and relevant bankruptcy laws and proceedings and ensure that you take the best steps to meet your specific needs. Many people are not aware that they may qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It is often our experience that, after properly analyzing their financial situation, our clients find that they are eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy when they might not have thought so initially. To determine if you are eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and if this step is right for you, contact Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law today.

Another common misconception or fear that our team has encountered is the fear of losing a house, automobile, tools of the trade, and household belongings or keepsakes when filing for bankruptcy. The fact is that Oklahoma law is very liberal in its exemptions of such property in bankruptcy. In other words, under Oklahoma law, in most cases, you will not lose these things. It is vital to consult with an experienced bankruptcy attorney who can analyze and apply Oklahoma law to your situation.

There is also a common fear or perhaps reservation many people have regarding bankruptcy, especially among Oklahomans. That reservation is ingrained in the Oklahoman character—the desire to pay back what they owe. What we would say to that is this: Even the most determined, well-intended, and most honest among us simply cannot withstand credit card interest rates that top 23% and the ridiculous fees and penalties that they charge.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer in Oklahoma City, OK

The government has made bankruptcy relief to its citizens not merely out of charity. It is vitally important to the economy of the United States that its hard-working citizens get back on their feet and become good public servants, doctors, truck drivers, nurses, etc. again. Keep this in mind when determining your need for relief . . . your family, Country, and Community is counting on you to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get back on your feet.

Bankruptcy just might be the best solution for you right now. This site has pages explaining the two most common types of bankruptcy available to individuals, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. I encourage you to read these pages to get a background in the process.

I am a licensed Bankruptcy Attorney in Oklahoma City and will focus on your case first and foremost from the beginning to the end. Our practice specializes in consumer bankruptcy and consumer debt defense. From the first phone call to the end we will focus on you and your case as if you are our only client.

Our firm handles cases throughout Oklahoma in all three of the Federal Bankruptcy Courts. From Guymon to Idabel, Miami to Altus, we can assist you in this difficult decision. Please call my office today for a free bankruptcy consultation, either in my office or by telephone – (405) 255-2380

Areas of Practice


Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7, Bankruptcy, is the most common type of personal Bankruptcy. It is the type of Bankruptcy most people are familiar with. 


Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is also known as Personal Reorganization Bankruptcy. It is the type of Bankruptcy where you pay back your creditors the amount that your budget will allow, usually interest-free.


Bankruptcy Protection

Bankruptcy protection refers to the Automatic Stay that kicks in the second that you file bankruptcy. Think of this as an injunction that bars your creditors from taking any collection actions against you. 



Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law can help you save your house.  The best thing that someone can do to build wealth and provide security is to buy a house.  This not only helps the homeowner but the government and society at large. 


Debt Collection Defense

Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law is an established, experienced, and trusted Debt Attorney in Oklahoma City, OK. We help individuals get out of debt, improve their credit score, and get a fresh start. Being in debt can affect every other aspect of one’s life negatively.

What You Need To Know

The main difference between Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy is how debts are discharged. Chapter 13 allows people to discharge unsecured debts while catching up on their secured debts, such as car and home loans. By comparison, Chapter 7 prioritizes eradicating unsecured debts, such as medical bills, personal loans, and credit cards dues.

Once you file for Chapter 7, the assets you own must be identified and submitted, however, most or all of your debts can get discharged while protecting assets that are exempt. Chapter 13 assesses your financial status upon filing, but the focus will be on establishing a repayment plan to address secured debts that you are behind on, while at the same time discharging unsecured debts. 

As your lawyer can explain, there are debts that do not get discharged even after filing for bankruptcy, including spousal support, child support, income taxes, student loans, and some others. Chapter 7 may be well suited for you if the debts leftover allow you to manage your finances better. With Chapter 13, you are essentially arranging a way to pay off certain debts via a repayment plan that the court will have to approve first. This gives the debtor more control and time to pay off the debts based on what is affordable for them. 

Many debtors relish the fact that filing for bankruptcy means they are no longer pestered by creditors. This is because an “automatic stay” is put on a person’s debts and by law creditors are not permitted to contact them requesting payment. If you filed for bankruptcy and are still hearing from creditors, you must inform your lawyer right away so they can intervene. This protection is important to respect because the law allows creditors to be quite aggressive in their collection tactics, and the benefit of filing for bankruptcy is getting relief from this behavior while avoiding penalties and accrued interest. 

Generally speaking, Chapter 7 may be best for simpler cases, while Chapter 13 can address more complex bankruptcies with numerous nuances to consider. Either way, debtors can finally feel more in power over their debts. With that being said though, it is ill-advised to rush into filing for bankruptcy. It is a serious matter that may not eliminate every financial problem and will remain on your credit report for many years, but it can be a great resource for those in true need of a financial restart.

If you aren’t sure if now is the time to get help from a lawyer and file for bankruptcy, here are signs that you probably should:

  • Your budget just isn’t working anymore
  • You cannot afford to pay for health care costs
  • Your bills exceed your earnings each month
  • You have been the victim of scamming
  • Your interest rates are too high
  • Your debts have affected your mental health
  • You have exhausted all other options

Steps to File for Bankruptcy in Oklahoma

Filing for bankruptcy can be a complicated process, but not with the lawyers of Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law. There are essentially ten steps that we follow starting with the initial contact and ending with credit rebuilding. A bankruptcy lawyer will be with you every step of the way to guide you, answer questions, and support you.

Initial Contact


We have a quick phone call with you to do a pre-screening to determine if we are a good fit, and we can answer any questions you have at the time.



We send out a comprehensive list of all the documents you will need to file such as paystubs, bank statements, and tax returns. We also provide you with a questionnaire to fill out to help us better understand your unique case.

Credit Counseling


Anyone filing for bankruptcy is required to complete online credit counseling. This just takes one hour to finish.



Once we receive all the necessary documentation, we schedule a consultation where we can spend more time going over your case in-depth with all the information you provided. This will last longer than our initial phone call, so time must be set aside to review everything thoroughly.



This is the point and time where we go over the process in much more detail. We will review the documents you sent over in-depth to verify that everything necessary is provided, answer any questions you may have, and determine the scope of your case. It is also at this time that we will provide a quote for our services; this quote will vary from person to person and case to case.



Within one week of the consultation, we will send out a petition for your review and signatures. This is the final step where you officially commit to filing for bankruptcy.

File for Bankruptcy


We send the documents requested from the client to the trustee assigned to the case, officially filing for bankruptcy. A good deal of time passes from this step to the next, so it’s imperative that you keep everything organized so it is easy to find, review, and refresh your memory.



Approximately 30 days after filing for bankruptcy, we will have a hearing with the trustee assigned to your case. This is called a meeting of creditors. The trustee will question you about the accuracy of your paperwork and verify your identity. This might sound scary, but it is actually very basic and will only take about five minutes of questioning. We will prepare you for this in our consultation — which on average lasts much longer than the hearing itself!

Credit Rebuilding


Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law is proud to provide the unique service of credit rebuilding to all of our clients that have filed for bankruptcy. Two months after the hearing with the trustee, you will receive discharge information. It is at this time that we enroll you in post discharge credit rebuilding that will help your credit after taking a hit from filing for bankruptcy.

Once these steps are completed, you are done filing for bankruptcy. What may seem like a scary or daunting process is a simple, step-by-step journey that an experienced bankruptcy lawyer in Oklahoma can help you with — contact Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law today to take the first step towards filing for bankruptcy.

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Oklahoma City Bankruptcy Lawyer Reviews

“Thankful for all Marty has done to help me get back on track, financially. I will definitely recommend Mr. Martin to anyone who is concerned about their finances and contemplating filing bankruptcy. Thank you so much.”
Crystal Martin
Client Review

“Very professional and helpful. Mr.Martin walked me through the whole process and was always willing to answer any questions I has. If you do have to go through the very difficult decision of filing bankruptcy, I recommend giving Mr. Martin a call.”
Tammy Worrell
Client Review

“He was very kind and professional and walked me through the entire process and was always there when I had questions or needed help. I would definitely recommend Marty Martin Law Office to anyone suffering from financial hardship!”
Client Review

Contact Oklahoma City’s Top Rated Bankruptcy Attorney

We Are Located in the Nichols Hills Plaza which is at the Northwest Corner of N.W. 63rd and Western in the Nichols Hills area of Oklahoma City. Our office is situated on the second-floor offices above the Starbucks Coffee Shop. Please call me at (405) 645-6600 if you need directions.


6440 Avondale Drive, Suite 200-1
Oklahoma City, OK 73116



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+1 (405) 255-2380

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