Edmond Bankruptcy Protection Lawyer

Bankruptcy Protection Lawyer Edmond, OK

Bankruptcy Protection Lawyer Edmond, OK -couple looking at bills Our Edmond, OK bankruptcy protection lawyer has been practicing for over 20 years. Trust us when we will tell you that bankruptcy is a serious matter that people should not take lightly. Defined as the inability to pay off debts due to insufficient finances, bankruptcy primarily affects businesses, which may have to close down if they fail to settle their debts. One way to gauge the severity of bankruptcy is when someone must file for it, either as an individual or a business. During the process, the debt is assigned to a debtor who is given time to pay it off. Meanwhile, the debtor’s credit may be significantly impacted. To avoid the negative consequences of bankruptcy, consider seeking the help of a bankruptcy protection lawyer in Edmond, OK.

Avoid Financial Consequences

A bankruptcy protection lawyer can help mitigate the financial consequences that typically accompany bankruptcy. To increase your chances of a favorable outcome, it’s key to work with a reputable law firm. At Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law, we’re committed to helping clients fight for their financial protection by providing experienced guidance and strategic support. In addition to bankruptcy cases, our firm also handles issues that may contribute to financial difficulties, including:

  • Poor Credit
  • Job Loss
  • Medical Bills
  • Business Closure
  • Filing for Divorce

Understand Your Bankruptcy Options

Any person or business who’s filed for bankruptcy can speak to just how overwhelming the process can be. It’s especially stressful if you don’t have the right counsel throughout the process. A lawyer can help you find your best path forward and protect your rights along the way. Our firm will happily explain the different types of bankruptcy, such as Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13, and help you decide which option the right fit for your unique financial situation. Each type of bankruptcy has its own set of rules, eligibility criteria, and potential benefits, so it’s a smart move to seek reliable advice before making a decision.

When you speak with our experienced Edmond, OK bankruptcy protection lawyer at Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law, we’ll help you to explore which form of bankruptcy protection may work best for your unique circumstances. There are several types of bankruptcy, but two of the most common ones are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is also known as liquidation bankruptcy. It’s designed for individuals and businesses that can no longer pay their debts and need a fresh start. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a trustee is appointed to oversee the case. In a very minor fraction of Chapter 7 cases, the trustee may opt to sell some of a filer’s non-exempt assets to benefit their creditors. Most of a filer’s unsecured debts, such as credit cards and medical bills, are eliminated in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, some debts, such as taxes and student loans, cannot generally be discharged.

To qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, individuals must pass a means test, which determines if their income is below the median income for their state. If their income is above the median income, they may still potentially qualify if they can show that their disposable income is not enough to pay their debts. Otherwise, filers will need to opt for the Chapter 13 process instead.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is also known as reorganization bankruptcy. It’s designed for individuals who have a steady income who want to keep their assets and pay off a significant fraction of their debts over time. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you would work with our Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer to propose a repayment plan to the court, which will typically last for three to five years. You will make one manageable payment monthly for the life of the plan.

To qualify for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, individuals must have a regular income and their secured debts must be below a certain amount. The debtor must also show that they can afford to make the payments required by the repayment plan.

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

One primary difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the eligibility requirements for each process. To qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, individuals must pass the means test, which determines if their income is below the median income for their state. To qualify for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, individuals must have a regular income and their secured debts must be below a certain amount.

A major advantage of Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that it can help homeowners to avoid foreclosure. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a discharge is ordered so quickly that the benefits of the automatic stay are relatively limited. However, a major advantage of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that most of a filer’s unsecured debts are eliminated, providing a fresh start for the debtor.

Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy offer a way for individuals and businesses to eliminate or restructure their debts. The choice between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy will largely depend on your individual circumstances, including your income, assets, and debts. Working with an experienced Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer at Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law can help you to determine which type of bankruptcy is best for you and guide you through the process. We understand the implications this decision has on your current situation and future financial health. You can trust us to assist you through every step of the decision-making process.

How Else Can An Attorney Help?

  • Debt Relief & Financial Recovery: An attorney will also assist you in developing a comprehensive plan for debt relief and financial recovery. This may include negotiating with creditors to reduce your debt, creating a manageable repayment plan, or even eliminating certain debts entirely. With their expertise, they can identify potential pitfalls and help you avoid costly mistakes. Ultimately, their goal is to help you regain control of your finances and work towards a brighter financial future.
  • Credit Repair & Rebuilding: Once the bankruptcy process is complete, it’s important to focus on repairing and rebuilding your credit. An Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer can guide you through this process by providing advice on improving your credit score, securing new lines of credit, and managing your finances responsibly. By implementing a strategic plan for credit repair and following their expert guidance, you can gradually improve your financial standing and gain access to better credit opportunities in the future.

Don’t Face Bankruptcy Alone

Facing bankruptcy can be an incredibly stressful and emotional experience. By enlisting the help of a skilled Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer, you can alleviate some of the pressure and uncertainty that comes with this challenging process. From understanding your options to rebuilding your credit, they will be by your side every step of the way, providing the guidance and support you need to overcome your financial difficulties and move forward with confidence.

If you need an Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer to help you move forward from your financial challenges, consider reaching out to Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law. We will help you build a bride to a brighter future.

Debunking the Top Five Myths Surrounding Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is often viewed as a financial catastrophe and carries a significant social stigma—as our Edmond, OK bankruptcy protection lawyer can attest. However, many of the assumptions surrounding bankruptcy are based on misconceptions and myths which are debunked below surrounding bankruptcy, shedding light on the reality of this legal process and its potential benefits. Learn more about these myths, and then contact Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law for help.

Myth 1: Bankruptcy ruins your financial future:

One of the most prevalent myths is that bankruptcy permanently destroys your financial prospects. While bankruptcy does have short-term consequences, it provides individuals and businesses with a fresh start to rebuild their financial lives. Bankruptcy can discharge or restructure debts, allowing for a more manageable financial situation and the ability to rebuild credit over time. By taking proactive steps and learning from past financial mistakes, individuals can bounce back from bankruptcy and establish a stronger financial future. A good lawyer can guide you through this process.

Myth 2: Bankruptcy means losing everything:

Contrary to popular belief, bankruptcy does not necessarily mean losing all your assets. Different bankruptcy chapters, such as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 in the United States, have varying rules regarding asset retention. Many jurisdictions provide exemptions that allow individuals to protect certain assets, such as primary residences, necessary personal belongings, and retirement accounts. Consulting with an Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer can help determine which assets can be retained during the bankruptcy process.

Myth 3: Bankruptcy is only for the financially irresponsible:

Another misconception is that bankruptcy is solely for those who have been financially irresponsible. However, bankruptcy can affect individuals and businesses facing unforeseen circumstances such as medical emergencies, divorce, job loss, or economic downturns. It serves as a safety net for those who have exhausted all other options and need a fresh start. Bankruptcy is not a moral judgment but a legal process designed to provide relief and a path to financial recovery.

Myth 4: Bankruptcy will ruin your credit forever:

While bankruptcy does have an impact on credit scores, the notion that it permanently ruins credit is misleading. Bankruptcy remains on credit reports for a certain period, usually between seven and ten years, depending on the jurisdiction. However, individuals can take steps to rebuild their credit after bankruptcy. Responsible financial management, timely bill payments, and the establishment of new credit can gradually improve credit scores. Over time, individuals can rebuild their creditworthiness and regain access to financial opportunities with the legal help of a knowledgeable attorney.

Myth 5: Bankruptcy is an easy way out:

Bankruptcy is not a simple escape from financial obligations. It involves a thorough examination of one’s financial situation, a legal process, and potential long-term consequences. Bankruptcy requires full disclosure of financial information and cooperation with the court and appointed trustee. Moreover, not all debts can be discharged in bankruptcy, such as certain tax obligations, student loans (in most cases), and recent luxury purchases. Bankruptcy should be seen as a last resort when other alternatives have been explored and exhausted.

Bankruptcy is surrounded by numerous myths that often lead to unnecessary fear and misunderstanding. By debunking these myths, we can better understand the purpose and potential benefits of bankruptcy. Any prospective filers should approach bankruptcy with accurate information and seek professional advice when necessary. Bankruptcy provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to regain control of their finances, obtain relief from overwhelming debt, and work towards a brighter financial future. If you are in need of assistance, contact an Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer at Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law.

Bankruptcy Protection FAQs

1. What Are The Different Types Of Bankruptcy, And Which One Is Right For Me?

Bankruptcy law offers various options, but the most common types are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is a liquidation bankruptcy that discharges most unsecured debts, while Chapter 13 is a reorganization bankruptcy that creates a repayment plan. The choice depends on your unique financial situation, which we can help you assess at Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law.

2. Will Filing For Bankruptcy Ruin My Credit Score?

Bankruptcy does impact your credit score, but the degree and duration of the impact vary. It’s essential to remember that if you’re considering bankruptcy, your credit may already be suffering. Bankruptcy provides a fresh financial start and can actually help you rebuild your credit over time with responsible financial management.

3. What Can I Keep If I File For Bankruptcy?

Many assets are exempt from bankruptcy proceedings, meaning you won’t lose them. These exemptions often include your primary residence, a vehicle, personal items, retirement accounts, and more. We work to protect your assets within the legal guidelines.

4. How Long Does The Bankruptcy Process Take?

The duration of the bankruptcy process varies depending on the type of bankruptcy and the details of your case. Chapter 7 typically takes a few months, while Chapter 13 involves a repayment plan lasting three to five years. We will guide you through the process efficiently and keep you informed at every step.

5. Will I Have To Go To Court If I File For Bankruptcy?

In most cases, you will need to attend a meeting of creditors, also known as a 341 meeting. This is not a courtroom appearance but an opportunity for the trustee and creditors to ask questions about your case. Rest assured, we’ll prepare you thoroughly for this meeting, and our team will be with you every step of the way.

If you’re facing financial challenges and considering bankruptcy protection in Edmond, you don’t have to endure this process alone. Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law is here to provide compassionate and expert guidance. Our goal is to help you achieve a fresh start and regain control of your financial future.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward financial stability and peace of mind. We are committed to being your trusted partner in your journey to a debt-free life.

Bankruptcy Protection Infographic

Edmond Bankruptcy Protection FAQs Infographic

Oklahoma Bankruptcy Laws And Statistics

In the heartland of America, Oklahoma stands tall with its diverse culture, thriving industries, and bustling cities. Yet, like every state, its residents can face economic challenges that lead to the consideration of bankruptcy. While bankruptcy is largely governed by federal law, Oklahoma offers its residents certain unique protections and provisions that help strike a balance between creditor rights and debtor protections. When you need help with the bankruptcy process, give Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law a call. 

According to Oklahoma foreclosure data, 1 in every 766 households faced foreclosure in 2023, ranking the state 15th in the country for homes that could be impacted in the near future. Data also shows foreclosures in Oklahoma were up 7% in 2023 compared to 2022. If you are being threatened with foreclosure, it is important to speak with a bankruptcy attorney immediately to find out what legal options you may have.

  • Guarding The Essentials: One of the key areas where Oklahoma law plays a significant role in bankruptcy proceedings is in the realm of exemptions. Exemptions determine what property and assets an individual or business can retain despite going through bankruptcy. Your Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer will tell you that Oklahoma law, generously, allows residents to retain their primary residence, irrespective of its value, under the homestead exemption. This means that, even in challenging times, Oklahomans can secure the roof over their heads.
  • Protecting Personal Property: Beyond the homestead exemption, Oklahoma offers a range of provisions to safeguard personal property. These can include household items, clothing, and even certain livestock. By offering these exemptions, the state ensures that individuals undergoing bankruptcy do not lose everything, helping them rebuild after the process.
  • A Fresh Start With Wages: Economic hardships can strain anyone’s finances. Recognizing this, Oklahoma law has provisions to protect a portion of the debtor’s wages, which helps ensure they have the means to cover basic living expenses and allows residents the chance to regain their financial footing post-bankruptcy.

Journey Toward Financial Renewal

Bankruptcy is both a legal process and an emotional journey peppered with uncertainties and concerns: What assets can I retain? How do I rebuild my credit? What does my future hold?

These questions weigh heavily on the minds of anyone considering this route. However, in Oklahoma, the laws are crafted with a genuine understanding of these worries, placing humanity at the core of legal provisions. This balance of legal rigor and compassionate consideration is something our firm is proud to embrace. We don’t just offer legal experience; we extend a hand of understanding, always wanting our clients to feel supported, respected, and empowered in their decision-making. With Oklahoma’s protective laws and Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law’s holistic approach, a pathway to a fresh financial start is more than attainable—it’s a journey we take together. 

With an extensive understanding of the state’s legal bankruptcy protections, we are dedicated to guiding our clients toward informed decisions. Facing financial adversity isn’t something you need to conquer alone. Bankruptcy is not the end; it’s a new beginning, a reset button for your financial journey. If you or a loved one are considering this path, it’s essential to be equipped with the best tools and guidance available. Let us stand by your side, illuminating the nuances of Oklahoma’s bankruptcy protection laws and advocating for your rights every step of the way. Call to set up an appointment with our Edmond bankruptcy protection lawyer now.

Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law, Edmond Bankruptcy Protection Lawyer

6440 Avondale Drive, #200-1, Oklahoma City, OK 73116